Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven setting

The Setting of The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven is a bit different than other settings as in a way it sort of seems like there is two settings but there is only one. Also Seattle is mentioned more than the reservation which may some think that the setting is Seattle but it starts at the reservation and ends there as well which shows that the setting is the reservation. Seattle is more like a side setting and the 7-11 is just a place. Seattle of course is in the past so its more of a side flashback setting but not even close to the main setting. The reservation of course is the main setting even if its near the beginning and end of the story. So the circle plot is incorporated into the story as the type of plot by ending at the reservation the same place the story began at. Also it seems like more characters in the story exsist outside the main setting and most of the time the main character seems like he's the only one there even though he isn't the only one on the reservation. As for the Seattle the main character lived there for a while but still those parts are memories throughout the story as flashbacks. Also it suggests that while a setting may be the main setting it doesn't have to seem like it and in a way the reservation doesn't seem like it is the main setting.

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